Downloadable worksheets and coloring pages to complement the digital learning modules.
These worksheets and coloring pages accompany each of the modules in On This Land Online. The worksheets are designed for third graders to fill out while discovering Natick’s history through the digital learning modules. Teachers and parents can download and print the PDFs on this page, then return to the appropriate module page. Students can fill out the worksheets as they watch the videos.
This module explores the presence of Indigenous people on this land long before the settlement of Natick in 1651. Archaeologist Rebecca Sgouros answers questions about archaeology in Natick and introduces 7 types of lithics in the NHS collections.
This module explores communication in early Natick and the translation of the Bible into Algonquian Languages. Gail Coughlin discusses the story of Natick’s founding by Massachusett, Nipmuc, and English people in 1651 as a Praying Town and daily life in the early settlement. Rachel Speyer Besancon gives a brief explanation of Algonquian languages and explains how the Algonquian Bible was translated and printed in 1663.
This module explores Natick’s geography and includes a brief tour of Natick’s historic landmarks. Rachel Speyer Besancon talks about how to read a map of Natick and the steps that go into creating maps of your own. Terri Evans takes us on a tour of 10 historic landmarks that Natick’s third graders might recognize.
On This Land Online is made possible by a grant from Mass Humanities, which provided funding through the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC). The Natick Historical Society would also like to thank Middlesex Savings Bank for its sponsorship and the generous private donors whose contributions brought this program to life.